Day 1

Arrive to Addis Ababa. Overnight Hotel

Day 2

Drive to Arba Minch visiting the Dorze Village. Overnight Hotel

Day 3

Drive Arba Minch to Jinka visiting the Konso tribe. Overnight Hotel

Day 4

Visit the Mursi tribe then drive to Turmi. Overnight Hotel

Day 5

Excursion to Omorate. Overnight Hotel

Day 6

Drive from Turmi to Yabello. Overnight Hotel

Day 7

Drive from Yabelo to Hawasa. Overnight Hotel

Day 8

Drive to Addis Ababa. Overnight Hotel

Day 9

Fly to Mekelle. Overnight Gheralta Lodge

Day 10

Drive to Aksum. Overnight Hotel

Day 11

Explore Aksum. Overnight Hotel

Day 12

Drive to Semien Mountain. Overnight Hotel in Debark

Day 13

Excursion to Sankaber- Drive to Gonder. Overnight Hotel

Day 14

Visit Gonder after lunch break drive to Bahir Dar. Overnight Hotel

Day 15

Fly to Lalibela. Overnight Hotel

Day 16

Explore Lalibela. Overnight Hotel

Day 17

Fly to Addis Ababa + Traditional Dinner + Departure (flight).

This exciting itinerary includes spectacular scenery, visits to spectacular ancient ruins, and the opportunity to mingle with the many different people from across the country.

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