Day 1

Up on arrival meet by Covenant Ethiopia Tours representatives and get transferred to your reserved hotel. Beginning of the tour in Addis Ababa. Addis Ababa, The third highest capital in the world lies between 2300-2500m.
Start the tour at 10:00 am; visit The national museum one could find exhibits ranging from 3.5millions years old bones of Lucy, Then move to Trinity Cathedral: the burial place of members of the imperial families and noted patriots of the war against the Italian invaders, the cathedral was built in 1941 and it is the largest and the most magnificent of all the churches in the country ornamented with carvings, mosaics and other artist works.

Afternoon: Lunch Break in the restaurant
After Lunch visit Institute of Ethiopian Studies- where one can see clothing from different regions along with artifacts, house hold utensils and in a separated section, painting reflecting the history and culture of the country. Then drive to Entotomountain with views over the capital!

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Addis Ababa

Day 2: Addis Ababa – Dire Dawa – Harar

Morning Activity: Flight to Dire dawa and Drive to Harar

In the morning fly to Diredawa and drive to Harar(60 K.M) and walk around to explore the walled city of Harar. With its colorful markets, countless mosques and shrines, and unique Harari people and houses, you’ll have fullday wandering around the city of Harar. visit the market of the Harari people. In the evening participate with the Hyena feeding, Traditionally feeding the hyenas is considered as wishing the Harari people to have a prosperous and healthy year.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Harar

Day 3: Harar – Awash Park

Morning Activity: Visit Aweday Market

Afternoon Activity: Drive to Awash Park
in the morning drive to Awash national park for the game animals, The park is well known having different Bird species sites in Ethiopian rift valley, not only birds can be seen but also different mammals such as Gazels, Kudus, Beisa Oryx, Baboons and The landscapes in the park are beautiful, looking over the Awash Gorge.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel or Lodge in Awash

Day 4: Awash – Bale Goba

Morning Activity: Drive to Bale Goba

Afternoon Activity: Dinsho Head Quarter and Game Animal
in the morning drive to Bale Mountain National Park(Covering Distance 425K.m approximate travelling time 7 hrs), on the way through Nazareth is serving as the capital of the Oromia regional state, the most highly populated ethnic group of Ethiopia, and the town itself is considered as the rift valley precious city and across the south-eastern Arsi-Bale Massifs to Dinsho (the head quarters of Bale Mountains National Park) to visit mammals such as the magnificent Mountain Nyala, Menelik’s bushbuck, Bohor reedbucks and Warthogs. An exciting day at Dinsho with endemic birds and wild animals. You encounter Augur and Steppie Buzzards, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Stone Chat, Tawny and Steppie Eagles, African Black Duck, Black-headed Siskin, the beautiful spot breasted Plover, Rouget’s rail; Abyssinian Long Claw, Stone Chat and Baglafetch Weavers along the road side and Mountain buzzard in the air. Then proceed driving to Goba.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Goba

Day 5: Goba – Bale Mountains

Morning Activity: Seneti Plateau and Harena Forest

Afternoon Activity: Drive back to Goba

Excursion along the highest all weather road of Africa to the largest moorland tract in Africa called Senetti plateau where you can visit the endemic Ethiopian Wolf and its special pray the Giant mole rats. Until recently, there was controversy between experts on the naming of this beautiful wild animal. Now, it is confirmed that this rare animal is neither a Semien fox nor a jackal but a Wolf. In addition to Senetti Plateau you see the Harrena escarpment and Forest. Highland birding includes the Abyssinian catbird, Abyssinian Woodpecker, White backed Black Tit, Abyssinian Ground Thrush, Yellow crowned Canary, Somali Chestnut winged Starling, Olive pigeon, Mountain Buzzard, African Snipe, Thekla Lark, Malachite Sunbird, Mottled and alpine swifts, Moorland Francolin, Golden Eagle, Crowned Eagle, Cape eagle owl, Rouget’s rail, Lanner Falcon. In the afternoon drive back to Goba.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Goba

Day 6: Morning Activity: Drive to Awassa

Afternoon Activity: Free time.

in the morning after breakfast drive to Awassa (Covering Distance 200 K.m Approximate travelling time 4:00hours), on the way through Shashemene town, a home of the Rasteferains who are coming back to Africa for finding their roots. Then proceed your Drive to Awassa, The capital town of the southern people’s nations and nicknamed as “A town with endless Love”. In the Afternoon walk around the lake and relax in your hotel.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel/Resort in Awassa.

Day 7: Awassa – Arbaminch

Morning Activity: Traditional Fish Market

Afternoon Activity: Dorze Village and Arbaminch

In the morning you will visit the traditional fish market where fishermen sale out their netted fishes and explore the traditional way of fish cooking. Then drive to Dorze Village (Covering Distance 275 K.m Approximate travelling time 4:30hours), high into the Guge Mountains to spend the night with the Dorze people. They are famous for their beehive-shaped bamboo houses and products produced from the Enset plant. The Dorze people use ingenious terracing and have a unique traditional lifestyle with their colorfully woven cotton products. Drive to Arbaminch/Dorze. This half day’s travel will take us through some fantastic scenery, including the Wolayta farmlands, with views of the lush green hills and valleys. Proceed to Arbaminch is set on an escarpment overlooking the Rift Valley Lakes, with Lake Abaya to the north and Lake Chamo to the south. The town’s name in Amharic literally means “forty springs” that are found around the town.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel/Lodge in Arbaminch.

Day 8: Arbaminch – Lake Chamo – Jinka

Morning Activities: Boat Trip on Lake Chamo

Afternoon Activities: Drive to Jinka

In the morning after breakfast drive to Lake Chamo for aboat cruise, In the reed-fringed bays of Chamo’s sparkling aquamarine waters hundreds of hippos emerge at night to graze on the grassy shores. Chamo is also sanctuary for several thousand Nile crocodile, some reaching lengths of up to seven metres from snout to tip of tail. We will spot crocodiles (biggest in Africa- up to 7mts long), hippos and more. Then proceed driving to Jinka(Covering Distance 240kms. approximate travelling time 4 hours), admiring on the way the Konso city, a crossroads of the region.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Jinak.

Day 9: Jinka – Mago N.Park / Mursi – Key Afar – Jinka

Morning Activity: Mursi Tribe
Afternoon Activity: Ari Village
Enter into the Mago National park(71k.m, travelling time 2hrs), admiring different mammals and birds on the way; and proceed to visit the Mursi people and villages. Here for beauty women use to put round plates into their lips(Taking a picture of any Mursi people will cost you some amount of money and you need to negotiate in hand before taking any pictures of them and the Mursi’s are so smart and they keep counting how many pictures you have taken). In the afternoon visit the museum and walks to visit the town and the Ari village. Ari villages have neat compounds, fertile and scenic land with coffee plantations. Ari have large livestock herds and produce large quantities of honey. Traditionally, the women wore skirts from the banana like plant, called Enset. We will see their local liquor preparations.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Jinak.

Day 10: Jinka – Turmi

Morning Activity: Mursi Tribe
Afternoon Activity: Ari Village
In the morning drive to the very interesting Hamer people In Turmi(Covering Distance 128kms. approximate travelling time 2hours), Turmi is gonna be a base town to explore different tribes of the South Omo Valley. The town is best for its traditional events and with luck You’ll try to participate to their marriage ceremonies, with the bull jumping & more. Staying in contact with the local guides will help us a lot to get some information what is happening in the Hammer region, just for different events for the next two days. In late afternoon walk (driving around is also possible) in to the nearby hammer village to visit the daily life of the hammer people.

N:B, You will be conducted some amount of birr for Bull Jumping event.

Accommodation: Chosen lodge in Turmi.

Day 11: Turmi – Karo – Turmi

Morning Activity: Excursion to Karo Tribe
Afternoon: Traditional Hamer Village
You take an excursion to visit the Karo Ethnic group(Covering Distance 60K.m approximate travelling time 3hrs), for their very interesting decoration and scarification all over their body; The Karo men also sculpt and shave their hair in to extravagant shapes with especial ochre “Caps” of hair usually containing several ostrich feathers and very nice views over Omo river from Kortcho village(The same principles of photo taking with the Mursi apply with the Karo people). Afternoon proceed driving to the very interesting Hamer people In Dimeka(28K.m ~ 40Minutes) and visit their colorful Small market(being it is Tuesday), which attended by Benna, Hammer, Tsemai and Karo people. Late afternoon drive back to Turmi for staying over the night. If lucky evenings see one of their dances, the Evangadi which is a typical dancing for boys and girls with the help of the moon light. (Attending fee is expected to pay from you)
Accommodation: Chosen Lodge in Turmi.

Day 12: Turmi – Konso

Morning Activity: Drive to Konso
Afternoon Activity: Sightseeing in Konso
In the morning drive to Konso(Covering Distance 140K.m approximate travelling time 4 hrs) passing through the very interesting Benna and Tsemay people. Make a stop at a best village to visit the Konso people, which are famous for the terracing agriculture, way of life in the villages, traditions, the local museum, and even a visit to the Konso chief’s compound – which includes the family graveyard and house of mummies. The Konso are a rich agrarian culture. They construct ingenious terraces and walls that encircle their fields and villages for protection against livestock damage and flooding.

Accommodation: Lodge in Konso.

Day 13: Konso – Langano

Morning Activity: Drive to Langano

Afternoon Activity: Relax in the Beach

In the morning drive to Langano(Covering Distance 360K.m approximate travelling time 6 hrs) at one of the secluded in a natural paradise at shore of lake Langano. Possibility of trekking, bird-watching, boat excursion, cycling and more. Don’t miss the fantastic sunset, with your drink on hand.

Accommodation: Chosen lodge in Langano

Day 14: Langano – Tiya – Addis Ababa

Morning Activity: Visit the smallest park AbiaitaShalla
Afternoon Activity: Tiya World Heritage Site and Addis Ababa

Evening Activity: Traditional Dinner Party
Morning drive to Abiata-Shalla Park for some animals, like Gazelle, Warthog and Ostrich (the park is known for its Ostrich breeding) and Drive back to Addis Ababa(Covering Distance 285K.m approximate travelling time 4 hrs), On the way through and Tiya Heritage site to explore the stelae field which is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site mysterious engraved stelea that stretches across southern Ethiopia. The field comprises some 45 stone of up to 2-3 m. high. Continue driving through the Gurage and Oromo farmlands, with its amazing views of the lush green hills and valleys. Proceed driving to Addis Ababa.

In the Evening:
In the evening you will have a memorable farewell dinner in one of Addis Ababa’s traditional restaurant along with cultural songs and dances and traditional foods and drinks. Then you will be transferred to Bole international airport to depart or be transferred to the hotel.

Accommodation: Chosen Hotel in Addis Ababa/or Departure.

End of Tour

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