Ashenda Women’s Festival – 7/9 Days

Date: 3rd Week of August
Location: Tigray & Amhara Region
Ashenda is a unique women’s festival, which takes place in Tigray around the third week of August, although there are similar festivals in Lalibela and north of Lalibela in Sekota, and northern Wollo, where it is called Shaday.
Its origins probably predate Christianity, but in the Christian era it came to mark the end of the two week filseta fast, and the ascension to heaven of Saint Mary, but the festival has grown way beyond that in recent years, and reflects the change in girls’ and women’s status in society.
The name of the festival “Ashenda” comes from the name of a tall grass that the girls make into a skirt, and wear it around their waist as decoration.
The feast presents a great opportunity for girls and young women to plait their hair in fantastic styles, to dress up and hit the streets with a hand drum, singing and dancing with friends and peers for up to a week. They chant songs and show off their dance styles to their heart’s content, attired with eye-catching costumes. Parents know this is their time and they let them free of any household work.
There is a unique carnival atmosphere, as the groups of girls walk throughout the town, circling and dancing around the men they encounter, asking for a payment before the men are allowed to proceed. There is no set fee, it is symbolic more than anything else, and there are songs for both those who pay, and those who don’t.
Young boys in traditional dress accompany the Ashenda girls, supposedly as “body guards”, but actually as an excuse to join in the fun.
In the evening at night, there are concerts and bands playing in night clubs and bars.
We are offering a special Ashenda Tour, groups will be guided by female guides. We will combine Ashenda celebrations with visits to some of Tigray’s rock hewn churches in the spectacular Gheralta region, to sub Saharan Africa’s oldest building the 800 BC temple at Yeha, ending with a full day tour of Axum.
Day 1
Arrive Addis, morning rest up, afternoon city tour, museums etc.
Day 2
Fly Mekele. City visits, Ashenda celebrations.
Day 3
Drive to Wukro, visit Wukro Cherkos and museum. Lunch, then drive to Abreha wa Atsbaha, visit, and continue to Hawzien.
Day 4
Two programmes, for fit and less fit, for “the second being less strenuous”,
- AbuneYemata Goh or Mariam Korkor
- Dugum Selassie and Abuna Abraham.
Day 5
Drive to Axum, via Adigrat, visiting Yeha en route.
Day 6
Full day city tour of Axum.
Day 7
Fly back to Addis, city visits, souvenir shopping, farewell dinner with music and dancing, transfer to the airport for departure after midnight on Day 8.
Optional Extension to Lalibela
Day 8
Fly to Lalibela. Tour the churches in town.
Day 9
Fly back to Addis, city visits, souvenir shopping, farewell dinner with music and dancing, transfer to the airport for departure